vidREACH News

How to Turn Your Team into a Video-Making Machine

Written by vidREACH | Nov 6, 2020 3:26:59 PM

If necessity breeds innovation, video innovation is having a moment. In fact, it’s having more than a moment. 

Video is here to stay. 

Video is a powerful tool to be used for more than company meetings and social media. Video brings personalization to your prospecting, marketing, customer communication, and even team communication. It allows your team to get face-to-face with key players in the sales process to create a more authentic experience across the board.

However, guaranteeing adoption is a hard battle to fight when onboarding a new video solution for your team. 

As a video email brand, we hear every objection in the book:

  • “I’m not comfortable on camera.”
  • “I’m too awkward.”
  • “I have a face for radio.”
  • “I don’t want to memorize a script.”
  • “I just don’t think I’ll use it.”

The list goes on.

Getting your team to buy-in is the hardest part of adopting a video solution. If your team doesn’t see the value or isn’t excited about it, they won’t use it. It’s as simple as that. 

So the question becomes: How do you overcome your teams’ objections to video to get them to use it?

Here are 4 easy ways you can guarantee adoption for a video solution to personalize your sales process:

1. Identify your desired outcome.

What is your end goal for implementing video in your sales process? Do you want to set more meetings? Create more personal connections? Drive more traffic to your website? Get higher click-through-rates in your emails?

Your desired outcome is as unique as your team, so dig deep to identify the true benefit of using video in your sales process.

2. Outline the journey you want. 

Once you have identified your outcome, outline the steps needed to reach your goal, then work to make it happen. Creating tangible strategies for every step of the journey is key to keeping your team on target and getting them excited about working with video. 

Give your team a clear picture of the overall goal and journey, and make it simple for them to follow. Adopting a video solution can feel daunting for those not yet comfortable on camera, so be sure to clearly outline all of the ways you will help them along their video journey.

3. Set KPIs and metrics to hold your team accountable.

What metrics do you need to track to ensure that you reach your desired outcome? Whether you decide to measure the number of videos created, video email sends, email opens, video plays, or video CTA click-through-rates, your metrics should reinforce your goal on every level. 

Give your team clear metrics that they can work toward. As you progress toward your goal, tweak your KPIs accordingly, and give recognition to team members that knock their metrics out of the park. Encouragement around video use goes a long way in ensuring that your team will actually use it – you can even send them a video email congratulation them on their success.

If, however, members of your team fail to meet their monthly metrics, reassess and figure out what worked for them and what didn’t so that you can continue to coach for success.

4. Assign a project manager or accountability lead for your team. 

To work in conjunction with your identified KPIs, consider assigning a project manager or team lead to spearhead video adoption. 

Ideally, this person would be someone who is either well-versed in using video for prospecting or customer communication or is someone who is willing to dive-in, learn quickly, and lead the team confidently.

The team lead is the touchpoint for questions and is in charge of holding the rest of the team accountable to their assigned metrics.

5. Let your team be creative.

The easiest way to guarantee buy-in is to let your team make videos. Give them the freedom to be creative in their prospecting and customer communication. Give them the space to make their videos personal to both their prospect and to themselves. Genuineness carries a lot of clout with customers and prospects, so encourage your team to be themselves and to be creative.